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Sunday, 5 October 2014

Surviving as a… straight or gay or as a HUMAN???...

This article does not Support any bad homosexual or heterosexual activity.
Before you start judging please read this short article

Surviving as a… straight or gay or as a HUMAN???...

Every person has two sides
One is good and another is bad
Daily I fight for knowing about me that
Who am I? And am I real?
I deal with my dual faces

I wanted to be happy in my life
I adjust my life as per situation
Because I think comprising is a key to achieve success

But does it really means the same
Answer is nope!
Act of surviving is always equal to suffering.

After knowing the meaning and feelings of an individual
I released that,

Some people are homophobic
They think that homosexuality screw his/her religion.
And some think that homosexuality leads to destruction of this mean world and humanity
What makes you straight or gay

What is homosexuality?
Ans: Just a sexual orientation, that’s it!

Who created the homosexuals?
Ans: human or god

Does god loves homosexuals?
Ans: Yes god loves all creature of this world even he loves mosquitoes. Because god created each and every individuals and creatures to balance the universe and life cycle
So if you hate homosexual then its means you are against the nature.

If you are changing your sexual orientation forcibly than its will lead to destructive change in your life
Because it’s not as easy that you said A B C D and …..puff!.... Now you changed your sexual orientation.

Please avoid the below things:
Please don’t express your sexual feeling in public places.
Please don’t seduce others (hetro) to change their sexual orientation to homo.
Don’t do anything bad which makes you guilty.

Its your life do whatever you like to do with it.
But you must be happy while dealing with your life.
And don’t forget that your life will not end on tomorrow, so think in Long run.
Being homo or hetro is not a crime its just a feeling and we must respect feelings of each and every individuals
First we are human then who cares what we are…

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